Ensis front wing I 880

NP 689€ . 2022. wie neu . The ENSIS INFINITY Wing foil is engineered for ambitious discoverers to experts looking for a maximum performance in freeride, freestyle and wave. The INFINITY is easy to control and offers excellent manoeuverability and agility. It shows a unique performance spectrum from its surface area, offering a great maximum speed whilst maintaining an amazing low-end lift. Two of the impressive characteristics of this foil are; the control you have whilst carving tight turns, and the pop it achieves in take-offs. The INFINITY Wing foil is the perfect mix of playfulness and control to push your limits. It is time to dance and play on the water!

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Preis (EUR): 399
Ort: München
Verkäufer: Tom_119
Eintragsdatum: 05.09.2023
Anzeigen-ID: 404255

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